Matematika dan Ilmu Alamiah Dasar
Nama : Salsabila
Kelas/NPM : 1PA12 / 16516784
1. Jurnal
dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Persepsi Mahasiswa tentang Berita-berita Kriminal di Televisi terhadap
Kecemasan yang Ditimbulkannya.
a. Link:
b. Tujuan:
Untuk mengetahui
hubungan antara persepsi terhadap berita kriminal di televisi dengan kecemasan
pada remaja.
c. Manfaat:
Sebagai masukan bagi
para pemerhati pendidikan, guru, dan orangtua untuk lebih menjaga anak didiknya
agar tidak terkena dampak negatif tayangan televisi.
d. Metode:
Penilitian ini
menggunakan dua variabel, yaitu variabel tergantung dan variabel bebas.
Variabel tergantung : kecemasan remaja setelah menonton
berita kriminal di televisi
Variabel bebas : persepsi terhadap berita
kriminal di televisi
Dan juga penelitian ini
menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi.
e. Subjek:
Penelitian ini
menggunakan uji coba terpakai pada 60 subjek mahasiswa.
f. Hipotesis:
Adanya hubungan yang
positif antara persepsi terhadap berita kriminal di televisi dengan kecemasan
g. Hasil:
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa
adanya hubungan antara persepsi mahasiswa dengan kecemasan yang melandanya setelah
individu menonton tayangan berita kriminal di televisi. Semakin buruk
persepsinya terhadap suatu berita kriminal, maka individu semakin merasa cemas
setelah menonton tayangan berita kriminal di televisi.
2. Jurnal
dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Benefits of Embedded Question Adjuncts for Low and High Structure Builders
a. Link:
b. Objective:
The present study
investigated the role of individual differences in comprehension in determining
the benefits of embedded questions on the learning and retention of content of
educational texts.
c. Method:
Participants were brought into the lab and were provided with an
informed consent form to sign. Participants then took Gernsbach- er’s MMCB. At
the end of the test, each participant was assigned to reading condition (read
twice control, embedded questions, or EI questions) according to reading
ability so that there were equal numbers in each of the conditions. Participants in the control
group were instructed to read through the text two times. Participants in the experimental groups were
instructed to read through the text and to answer each question as they reached
it in the text. All participants were timed, however they were told to take as
much time as needed and to not rush through the text. Upon completing the
reading, they were distracted with math problems for 2 min. They were then
presented with the criterial tests. They were instructed to answer the
application items first, then the multiple choice, and last to do the concept
ratings. Participants were
then debriefed and dismissed. The session lasted for approxi- mately 1.5 hr.
d. Result:
There was no effect of EI for either target or nontarget
questions for high ability readers.
e. Conclusion:
The finding that embedded questions are not beneficial for high
structure builders (and even penalize them for nontargeted information), but
produce gains for low structure builders,
underscores the importance
of considering individual differences
when implementing embedded question adjuncts.
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